Managing Alerts

Creating a New Alert (On the Criteria Tab)

Alerts are easy to set up and maintain. By duplicating an existing report profile and making a few simple changes, you can create a "alert" copy that is only used to send alert notifications when change conditions are met. Essentially, you will have two similar profiles: one that you use for rate shopping and an "alert" copy (based on the original profile) that you use only to send alert notifications.

See Viewing MarketVision Alerts for instructions on viewing alert details.

Key Points to Remember

Before you begin creating alerts, here are a few key points to remember:

To create a new alert:

  1. Click on the Criteria tab.

  2. Select a report profile from the drop-down list.

  3. Click the Save As button, and enter the name of your alert.

    ALERT NAMING TIP: We suggest that you append "Alert:" to the beginning of the profile name. For example, if you want to create an alert for your 21-day data source report, then you would save the associated alert as, "Alert: 21D All Compset Up 5%". That way you can distinguish the "alert" copy from the profile you use for reporting.

  4. In the Subscribe to an Alert section, click the Subscribe button.

  5. In the Alerts pop-up window, complete the fields as appropriate (see the table below for field descriptions), and then click Save.





    Send Type

    Indicates your preferred method for receiving alert notifications. Currently, email is the only option available. Additional options will be available in the near future.

    Increase Amount

    The threshold for increases in a shopped rate since the last shop, based on the profile currency. For example, if a competitor shopped rate goes from $150 to $175, and this field is set to $20, an alert event will be triggered and you will receive an email notification.

    Increase Percentage

    The threshold for a percentage increase in a shopped rate since the last shop, based on the profile currency.  For example,  if a competitor shopped rate goes from $100 to $120 and this field is set to 18 (%), an alert event will be triggered and you will receive an email notification.

    Decrease Amount

    The threshold for decreases in shopped rate since the last shop, based on the profile currency. For example, if a competitor's shopped rate goes from $175 to $125 and this is set to $45, then an alert event will be triggered and you will receive an email notification.

    Decrease Percentage

    The threshold for decrease percent in shopped rate since the last shop, based on the profile currency. For example, if a competitor shopped rate goes from $100 to $50 and this field is set to 45 (%), then an alert event will be triggered and you will receive an email notification.

    Max Amount

    The threshold for the highest shopped rate, based on profile currency. For example, if a competitor shopped rate is 200EUR and this field is set to 195EUR, an alert event will be triggered.

    Min Amount

    The threshold for the lowest shopped rate, based on profile currency.  For example, if a competitor shopped rate is 90EUR and this field is set to 100EUR, then an alert event will be triggered and you will receive an email notification.

    Open Status Indicator check box

    Triggers an alert if the shopped rate goes from a closed rate the last time it was shopped to an open status.

    Close Status Indicator check box

    Triggers an alert if the shopped rate goes from an open rate the last time it was shopped to a closed status.

    Blackout Start Time

    Prevents alert messages from being sent after this time (in Eastern Standard Time).  Note that alert events will still display on the Alerts tab.

    Blackout End Time

    Indicates the time alert messages can resume (in Eastern Standard Time) if they were halted at the time specified in the Blackout Start time option (see above).

  6. (Optional) On the Criteria page, disable scheduled shopping options, if applicable.

Modifying an Alert

To update an alert:

  1. Click on the Criteria tab.

  2. Select an alert profile from the drop-down list.

  3. In the Subscribe to an Alert section, click the Subscribe button.

  4. In the Alerts pop-up window, change the fields as appropriate (see the table below for field descriptions), and then click Update.

Deleting an Alert

To update an alert:

  1. Click on the Criteria tab.

  2. Select an alert profile from the drop-down list.

  3. In the Subscribe to an Alert section, click the Subscribe button.

  4. In the Alerts pop-up window, click Delete.